VTR Statement

Vernon Township Republicans is a grassroots organization made up of volunteers who want to get out the vote for Republican candidates and build a strong Republican base in our community. As such, we operate separately from individual candidates and campaigns, and the views shared in our newsletters and on our social media do not represent the views of any candidate. As we are all volunteers and not professional politicians, spin doctors or media agents, our media does not go through the rigors of editing one may find in other places. To address a recent issue with our August Comms Desk Newsletter, we would like to share the full response we have given to certain media outlets:

“Internal documents are often times prepared in haste, without enough forethought, especially without intent for public consumption. It was a lapse in judgment, and we will improve our procedures moving forward.

“The plague of domestic violence is real, serious, and worsening in Lake County, under the current State's Attorney, Eric Rinehart, who routinely fails to protect domestic violence victims. Consider the case of Israel Gaspar, who in May 2022 negotiated a plea deal with Eric Rinehart that resulted in probation and no prison time after he 'punched his wife in the head' and kidnapped her baby. Mr. Gaspar later attempted to kill the same woman by stabbing her three times in the stomach and legs in February 2024. While Mr. Rinehart plays politics by making hay out of a poorly chosen political cartoon, he avoids being held accountable for his record of being soft on domestic violence as Lake County State's Attorney. Cartoons don't kill people, but criminals given sweetheart probation deals by Eric Rinehart do. Our organization plans to donate $250 to A Safe Place Lake County in support of their work with victims of domestic violence.”

We have no further comment on this matter, and we look forward to continuing our tireless work to promote and support Republicans and the Republican party platform because safer communities, academic excellence and fiscal sanity is better than what any other party has to offer.  

August 14, 2024

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